We have all necessary equipment for groundwater sampling: depth to water indicators, multi-probe parameter instruments with flow through cells, steam cleaning decontamination equipment, HYDRA-Sleeve and passive bag retrieval winches, bladder pump controllers, electric and mechanical flow-meters, variable speed 2, 3 and 4-inch submersible sample pumps, and activated carbon water treatment trailers.
Our staff is experienced collecting surface water samples, water quality parameters and flow from rivers and springs. In addition, we perform wastewater sampling from waste water outfalls utilizing ISCO Samplers.
Verdad has been contracted to sample soil vapor from shallow probes, soil vapor monitor and extraction wells and dual phase extraction wells. Our staff is experienced with Tedlar Bags and SUMA Canister sampling. We have regenerative and positive displacement blowers for purging. Our instrumentation for parameter measurements include thermal anemometers, manometers and gas/vapor detection meters.